Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Tamiha was here"

     Never once have I gone to use the restroom in a public facility then thought, “Oh, somebody has GOT to know about this!” This past Summer, I went camping and was forced to use the public restroom located on the camp site. Unlike my boyfriend, Mother Nature hates me and has made it impossible for me to pee standing up and have it go unnoticed. Sure it may have helped to keep the raccoons away and for a split second would have kept my legs warm but that is gross and I am a classy lady.
     Thus, each time I had to pee I had to find my flip flops, trek to the restroom, and then wait for an empty stall. It never failed that each time I ended up in the same stall and every time I closed the door I was greeted by my friend Tamiha. She had been there, apparently. Though I found it disturbing that this girl had found it necessary to mark her territory on the bathroom door at Turkey Run State Park, I couldn’t keep my mind from wondering what she had been doing. Was it in the middle of a “doo doo bomb” in which she felt compelled to share her existence with the rest of us or had she made a separate trip to the bathroom with this idea in mind?
     Either way, I felt I had been betrayed by this amateur graffiti artist. The feeling reminded me of the one I had after the last session of Lost. To put it into an acronym, “WTF?!” Like the oversized polar bears roaming around on the island of Lost, I knew Tamiha had been in that bathroom stall but by the end of my trip I still didn’t know why. 

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