Tuesday, November 13, 2012

An open letter to Winter.


I do not like you. You are that annoying neighborhood kid who threw pinecones at me whilst I rode my bike to the park and that I avoided at all costs. Alas, my mother and your Mother Nature were tight so we were forced to play nice. Though I shared my Easy Bake Oven, Ferbie, Tamagotchis, Floam, and all of my other toys with you, I still do not like you. We will not make snow angels together. I will not push you on a sled I do not own. I do not like you BUT I will tolerate you. I will layer myself in sweaters, cardigans, coats, scarves, gloves, boots, and earmuffs then give you a friendly wave. Take this wave and tolerate me back. Please do not push my car into a ditch. Remember that time when we were 8 and I drove you around in my battery operated red Jeep? Please do not push my friends’ cars into ditches. Remember how we invited you to sit at our lunch table when no one else did? Please do not over stay your tolerated period of time. It is your time to shine, yes, but Spring deserves to make a comeback. I welcome tolerate you in my life for the next few months so please tolerate me back.


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