Tuesday, December 4, 2012
If I had a leather jacket.
I am walking down the street or watching a movie, I always find myself
comparing my boring life to the one I know that girl with the tight leather
jacket is living. My mornings consist of one normal cup of coffee with too much
sugar and not enough creamer. My days involve “working”, going to school, then
I am off to play with my nephew at my sister’s house. I won’t say there is
anything boring or normal about my nephew because he is the cutest baby I know.
I also know that he will grow up to cure cancer or to become a professional
baseball player or something amazing like that. He is legit awesome, no
questions asked. But as soon as the kid
hits the hay, a bottle of wine is broke out and my sister and I proceed to
watch Glee. Don’t judge. Okay, judge. I judge myself every time I catch myself
downloading the latest covers and singing along with them. Why must I do these
things to myself? If I had a leather jacket, my life would be totally
The cow jumped over the moon?
Sitting in class, I became amused.
My teacher said some things that left me confused. She told me a story of a
lion and a mouse, then another about a gingerbread house. There was one about
an elephant and a cookie too. She then threw in one about tying your shoe. I
began to protest and scream real loud, “these stories aren’t true! No way! No
how!” My teacher pointed her finger to a nearby chair and when I didn’t budge,
she gave me “THE STARE”. I finally sat down, so she went about her way and
continued these silly stories for the rest of the day. There was one about a
caterpillar eating the world. There was one about moving to Australia, he was
just a boy! She told a story of a fish with rainbow scales, then one of a
duckling, and one about bells. She moved on to stories from Dr. Seuss and
that’s when I couldn’t hold it. I had to break loose! So I raised my voice and
called her a liar. I said, “These stories aren’t true, you should be fired.”
She didn’t break into tears or fuss at me. She simply smiled and said, “That
may be, but they come from minds creative and wise, from people who know how to
live fun lives. If you close your eyes and let your mind go free then maybe
you, too, can see what they see.” So…I closed my eyes and tried to let my mind
go “free” but I just couldn’t do it. I cried, “What does this mean?” My teacher
patted my head and said, “That’s okay, this is exactly why we must read.”
Reading allows our minds to go to new worlds we could never imagine. With reading,
anyone can make anything happen!
What to do when a big girl needs help.
Every night I lay in my bed and
close my eyes to see the day ahead–But I hear the creaking, I hear the
scratching, the whispers are creeping, and my mood is lacking. I want to cry
and I want to yelp. What to do when a big girl needs help? I could hide under
the blanket with all limbs inside. I could hold my breath, but then I might
die. I rack my brain with things to do and then I decide to call for the crew!
I reach for my phone to give Teddy D. a call. He’ll be right over and he’s
bringing the ball. Mrs. Moo Moo’s on board to put an end to the noise; she’s in
the chest with all of my other toys. Three is not enough for the plan I have
made so I whistle for Jimmy, LewLew and Jade.
stretch out the map of my great big old house and with a red magic marker I put
X’s all about. We take a breath for courage then set out on our way. With flash
lights in hand we eliminate the grays as best as we can. I tried to stay close
to all of my friends, but I fell behind every now and again. I stubbed my toe
on every corner I took and once on a lap. It swayed and it shook. We reached
the fountain where I like to make wishes, I usually wish there was no such
thing as dishes—but not tonight, I’d like to keep going. This mission’s
important and I have no pennies worth throwing. We pass the front door, the
garage one too, and that’s when I notice we’ve lost LewLew. We all turn around
but decide to keep on walking. We know LewLew is tough because she comes from
come upon the kitchen and the cabinets are open. I look at Mrs. Moo Moo, she’s
got a plan for this one. No one can reach the cabinets so high. We need a
ladder or stairs of some kind. With Jimmy on bottom then Jade and Teddy D, Mrs.
Moo Moo’s on top when she cries out to me, “There’s nothing up here, your
cabinets are not disturbed. They were simply left open by your cousin named
we move right along to our next destination. We pass by the plants and my dad’s
work station. When we reach the back door I turn the nob. The door doesn’t
open, “We need the key,” Teddy D. says with a sob. I tell him to look at me,
that he better straighten up this jigs not over and I have the key. We look out
the door to find nothing buy grass, I’m growing disappointed because too much
time has passed.
no time to waste we move it along to find our third base. We go down the hall
and the noise is growing louder so we scrunch in a ball and all walk together.
We see a light flashing and more scared we become. Should we go into the living
room or turn and run? – But we’ve come too far to give up this mission, “we
will finish this now,” is my final decision.
we all straighten up and got in a line and all walked in only to find…The TV is
on and the volume is up, spread out on the couch, LewLew says, “Sup?” My furry
continues to grow as I haul my toys to bed, LewLew in tow. I climb under the
blanket and rest my head on my pillow. With my eyes not yet closed my anger
dissolves and I thank all my toys for getting involved. We all say,
“Goodnight,” and turn off the lamp. –But as I’m falling asleep my dad comes in
saying, “Good morning, Champ!”
But I am a girl girl girl.
Now, my last post was a list of why I should have been born
a man. I should clarify that I do not in any form or fashion wish I were I guy.
The following are my top reasons why being a girl is awesome.
1) Emotions are so much fun.
2) I can totally pee while standing up, if done right. Though, hovering and DNA have really given me great calf muscles/
3) No guy could get away with an over-the-shoulder Coach satchel. NO GUY
4) Periods suck but I don't know one single man who has gotten out of class or work because their was a party in their panties and their Pikachu was losing.
5) Flip flops.
6) Bikinis.
7) Peach Margaritas.
8) Girls rule boys drool.
She's the man.
For the past 20 years, I have been a female. This is
something that I do not, in the near and far future, intend to change. However,
I would like to argue why I, Beyoncé, Amanda Bynes, and most other females
would make a much better man than most other males I know. Thus, I present to
you the top reasons I should have been born a man:
1) Female pant pockets are way too small to hold ANYTHING.
1) Female pant pockets are way too small to hold ANYTHING.
2) Peeing while standing is so convenient (hovering
3) Purses suck and make you look weak.
4) Peeing while standing up looks like so much fun.
5) God made dirt and dirt don’t hurt…men.
6) Hugging is gross
7) Peeing while standing up would prevent so many
unplanned pregnancies. ß
More for other girls.
Monday, November 26, 2012
I’ve never been the type of person to think of urination but
lately my mind has been consumed with the thought of it. This sounds strange and gross, I know, but I
have yet to get to the best part… I’ve been thinking of cow pee.
It all started this morning as I was driving to work and got
stopped at a red light. While Outside Villanova played through my iPod, I
looked over and saw a cow not 10 feet from my car staring at me. Because of
some strange urge, I looked down and saw what was pee coming out of this cows “downstairs
mix up.” I instantly looked away out of respect but my head slowly turned back
towards Edward, the cow. How could he stand there so vulnerable peeing like
that? How could he stare at me as he peed like that? Why was I watching Edward
pee? I cannot tell you the answer to any of these questions. Thank you for
reading this insanely strange and never relevant to anything in life story. Bye.
Something peculiar.
On a rather warm November afternoon,
I sat outside my sister’s home and watched her neighbors go about their
everyday lives. Through the windows of the home directly across the street from
where I sat, I watched a woman by the name of Patti play fetch with her
oversized puppy. The teenage boy who
lives to the right of my sister arrived home, went inside, and then came back
out with a lit cigarette. We shared a moment as he sat on the steps of his home
and I on the steps of my sister’s home. I gazed at him and he across the street with a
look of content then confusion.
Following his gaze, I found a woman
about the age of 20 standing at the top of home converted into apartments. She
had a punk-ish look about her as she hurriedly stomped down the stairs to the
apartment’s shared mail box. She took out what seemed to be a few envelopes and
a magazine then threw them to the ground in frustration. She then climbed into
her white Jeep Rangler and speed away as fast as she could in mid shift. Seconds
after she fled the mail throwing scene, a white Neon slowly pulled in front of
the house converted apartments and proceeded to parallel park for five minutes.
Normally, this would not be too strange but seeing as there were no other cars
in sight it should not have been that difficult to creep to a stop. Finally,
after another minute or so a woman in her mid-50’s wobbled out of the car and
up to the shared mailbox where she leaned over to retrieve the previously
thrown mail. Halfway through her ascent up she threw the mail back down then
went inside her apartment.
I looked over for my
moment-sharing-teenage –boy-friend and found that he had left. There was no one there to share this peculiar
yet totally normal incident with and all of a sudden I felt unconnected with
the rest of the human population. It was almost as though I was a blade of
grass waving in the wind waiting to be cut down in preparation for winter. But…I
am not a blade of grass; I am a human and I have a blog.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
An open letter to Winter.
I do not like you. You are that annoying neighborhood kid
who threw pinecones at me whilst I rode my bike to the park and that I avoided
at all costs. Alas, my mother and your Mother Nature were tight so we were
forced to play nice. Though I shared my Easy Bake Oven, Ferbie, Tamagotchis, Floam,
and all of my other toys with you, I still do not like you. We will not
make snow angels together. I will not push you on a sled I do not own. I do not
like you BUT I will tolerate you. I will layer myself in sweaters, cardigans,
coats, scarves, gloves, boots, and earmuffs then give you a friendly wave. Take
this wave and tolerate me back. Please do not push my car into a ditch.
Remember that time when we were 8 and I drove you around in my battery operated
red Jeep? Please do not push my friends’ cars into ditches. Remember how we
invited you to sit at our lunch table when no one else did? Please do not over
stay your tolerated period of time. It is your time to shine, yes, but Spring
deserves to make a comeback. I welcome tolerate you in my life for the next
few months so please tolerate me back.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Confession: I have an irrational fear of the dark.
I have never entered a darkened room and thought, “There’s
no way a serial killer is hiding in here.” That’s just not something that ever
crosses my mind. Instead, I walk in knowing that there is a serial killer
hiding in the darkest corner of the room and I proclaim, “Wow, my back sure
does hurt from all that Tiquando but I think I could go another round or seven.”
Because the dark is such a haunting place, I do not sleep at
night. Well, I sleep but I do not fall asleep with all of the lights off.
Whether it is the glow of the TV or the flashlight on my phone, there is always
some sort of God sent light that shines on every corner of my room making sure
that nobody has snuck by while I blinked…30 minutes ago.
I have done these things since I was a baby and cannot remember
a time when they haven’t come in handy. The dark and public bathrooms are scary
places and one should not enter without some sort of plan of escape. I had to figure out all of my plans younger
than most but that is because my sister told me a retired basketball player was
hiding in little girls’ closets waiting. She never told me what these men were
waiting for but after What Lies Beneath, I could only imagine. Also, Edward
watched Bella sleep and now she is a vampire. I don’t want to be a vampire.
Screw the dark and take up imaginary Tiquando classes.
Stay tuned for my list of Potential Serial Killer Hiding Places.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
"Tamiha was here"
Never once have I gone to use the restroom in a public
facility then thought, “Oh, somebody has GOT to know about this!” This past Summer, I went camping and was forced to use the public restroom located on the
camp site. Unlike my boyfriend, Mother Nature hates me and has made it
impossible for me to pee standing up and have it go unnoticed. Sure it may have
helped to keep the raccoons away and for a split second would have kept my legs
warm but that is gross and I am a classy lady.
Thus, each time I had
to pee I had to find my flip flops, trek to the restroom, and then wait for an
empty stall. It never failed that each time I ended up in the same stall and
every time I closed the door I was greeted by my friend Tamiha. She had been
there, apparently. Though I found it disturbing that this girl had found it
necessary to mark her territory on the bathroom door at Turkey Run State Park,
I couldn’t keep my mind from wondering what she had been doing. Was it in the
middle of a “doo doo bomb” in which she felt compelled to share her existence
with the rest of us or had she made a separate trip to the bathroom with this
idea in mind?
Either way, I felt I had been betrayed by this amateur
graffiti artist. The feeling reminded me of the one I had after the last session
of Lost. To put it into an acronym, “WTF?!” Like the oversized polar bears
roaming around on the island of Lost, I knew Tamiha had been in that bathroom
stall but by the end of my trip I still didn’t know why.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Friday Night: One Woman Show
Friday night:
10:30, two glasses of wine, my dog is ignoring me, and
Facebook is open. I would say that I don’t have a problem but this is the
second night in a row that I find myself in this ever so lonely situation. Yes,
I could call my boyfriend, friends, or sisters…but, I HAVE FACEBOOK! So, now I
will proceed to molest its face off.
I have found this to be a question I ask my computer screen
and myself on a daily basis. Though it has become a part of my routine, I find
myself appalled at the number of unwed peers I have with children. I am 19.
I have nothing more to say on this topic..
After thoroughly stalking people I never talk to, I have
decided to reach out to them. I tried this once on a girl I went to
high school with. I commented on her status and she quickly followed up by deleting
my post. To be fair, she was trying to be inspirational in saying, "Don’t worry about people from your
past - there’s a reason they didn’t make it to your future..." I guess,
“Shit just got real” wasn’t the type of response she was looking for.
Act 4: “Making no sense.”
Things have become boring, so, I
proceed to ask my best friend via Wall Post, “Why is ‘poop’ such a funny word?”
I am still awaiting her response, but in the mean time I would like to raise
another question that makes no sense to me, “What does ‘GOP’ stand for?” To be
honest, I don’t really care but I feel as though I should. And also, I never
found Fun Dip to be fun. It was just
sticky, gross, and never had enough of the Blue Berry flavor. Hey Fun Dip, NOBODY LIKES GRAPE!
Monday, April 9, 2012
My Original Lifetime Movie.
My life is nothing like a Lifetime movie. I don’t have a
stalker, I’m not a 17 year old stripper, I’ve never made a pregnancy pact, and
I most defiantly am not “A divorced mother approaching her 40th
birthday that takes a vacation to Hawaii and soon finds herself in an
unexpected romance with a much younger man.” I bet you could never guess the
title of that movie—Flirting With Forty—yup.
not that I hate my life, but for once I would like to have an adventure. What
if I want to find my long lost imaginary friend and marry him? What if I want
to lead a double life in a huge house in Canada? What if I want to form a
relationship with a male prostitute and later be blackmailed because of it and
lose my chances at becoming the Supreme Court judge? Okay, maybe not that last
one…or any of the others for that matter.
All I am asking for is a little adventure or
at least the chance to take my average life and make into a movie. With that
being said, the title of my Original Lifetime Movie would be—Young and Bored. I’m not entirely sure
what the climax of the plot would be, all I know is that the ending scene would
show me with a witty smirk on my face reading a self-help book titled- How To
Make Friends And Keep Them. Also, during the end credits Sarah McLaughlin would
whale “In the Arms of an Angel”.
If Lifetime doesn’t pick up my
movie rights, I’ll shoot for HBO. In that case, I’d be able to portray myself
as a nudist who uses far too many curse words. The title of that movie would be
– Nakie and Don’t Care. Expect the screen play for that second one within the
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Grown Up Problems.
I never thought the day would come when I would refer to
myself as a grownup. Then it did. Fast-forward eight years and now my mom
refers to me as a grownup. More accurately she calls me, “My grown up daughter
who dwells in my basement.” I mean, honestly? I’m not THAT grownup. She thinks
it’s funny, I do not.
I know
that in the eye of the law I was considered an adult on my eighteenth birthday.
However, whilst petting my beagle and nursing a mug of hot chocolate I couldn’t
help but wonder why my mom woke up one day and thought of me as an adult. I
suddenly remembered that I needed to transfer money between my MULTIPLE bank
accounts to make sure that I wouldn’t overdraft when my car insurance company
so nicely, automatically, retrieved my payment. I then said, out loud for all
to hear, “I can’t wait to see what my car insurance will be with all my deductibles!”
Grown up problems…
Who would
have thought that the little girl eating a butter sandwich on white bread with
all the crust cut off would one day be allowed to use the toaster, draw her own
bath water, pay bills, and eat multi-grain bread by the loaf? To quote my older
sister I sign off with, “We’re adults now, and we like to eat interesting
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Reality sucks when your best friend lives a thousand miles away.
Ever since I was but a wee child, I have been terrible at
making and keeping friends. This being said, I have, however, always had a best
friend. It’s not my fault that 90% of them went bat shit crazy and now have
multiple children and have left me and my beagle in the dust. When I was young
I was able to keep friends by allowing them to cut off my curly blonde locks
and gluing them to their Barbie dolls. Looking back, that plan was phenomenal,
but I just don’t see anyone taking a half bald college student with
five-year-old “best friends” seriously.
I hurt any feelings, I should report that I currently have a best friend,
Ashley. Like most well developed relationships, Ashley and I bonded over our
hatred for pleather, high school, oversized jewelry, clogs, and driving past
semi-trucks. We have shared many great memories together including the time we
almost, kind of, not really, ran over and potentially, hopefully not, killed a
man-eating beast…or dog. To be honest, she is the best friend I have ever had
and has not once judged me on my love of/addiction to TV.
months ago, I packed up my Ford Focus and moved to North West Indiana. One
thousand miles away from home, I have never needed my best friend more. Sure,
she is only a phone call away, but I feel as though we can’t form those same
awkward memories we once were so easily able to obtain. You can’t accidently
squirt taco sauce on the ceiling of your best friend’s parent’s bedroom through
a cell phone conversation. To be blunt, she is the shit and reality sucks when
your best friend lives a thousand miles away.
This is because we can.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Confession: I have an irrational fear of public bathrooms.
Confession: I have an irrational
fear of public bathrooms. Upon entering said bathrooms, I find myself checking
underneath each stall for unexpected guests of a horror story variety. I then
follow up with a second check by opening each door to make sure there aren’t
any sneaky murderers standing on top of the toilet seats waiting to pounce on
me in my most vulnerable position. This
could happen. In fact, I’ve seen it happen.
In 1996, a young high school student named Sydney entered her schools
bathroom to take care of business. Whilst washing her hands she heard a man
whisper her name. Immediately, she dropped to the ground and scanned for feet
in the stalls. No one was visible, so she collected herself and stood to leave.
Mistake! All of a sudden a man in a mask steps off of a toilet seat and emerges
from a stall. The masked man proceeds to chase Sydney with a knife. She got
away, but I cannot imagine that I would be as lucky.
Okay, so the story may sound
familiar to you because it is from the movie Scream. This movie came out when I
was four years old, and I saw it for the first time when I was six. You may be
thinking, “What kind of parent subjects their six year old child to a film
filled with violence and sex?” To answer your question: mine. And I thank them
for that. If I hadn’t seen Scream or witnessed Sydney getting attacked in a
public bathroom I would be just like the rest of you, carelessly entering
bathrooms. When and if I ever die, I want it to be an amazing story not, “Young
Woman Enters Public Bathroom but Never Leaves. Vampire? Maybe.”. I’m pretty
sure that’s what the headline of every major newspaper would read if I do get
murdered while taking a pee break during the next Twilight movie.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Leftover Bruschetta.
When it started, I cannot say. How
it started, I cannot say. All I know is, this morning I woke up and quit my
job. Luckily, said job involved me taking dirty dishes off of lavishly
decorated tables into a messy contaminated kitchen where they would be washed
and then filled to the brim with some sort of Italian sauce and pasta. On the
weekends, I was granted the privilege to step away from bussing tables and
instead construct and plate hundreds of tiny salads accompanied with a variety
of dressings. This means it was an easily replaceable job. As a matter of
fact, two minutes after quitting I was hired elsewhere. Where? I will be my
Father’s secretary at the business he owns. I cannot tell you what his job
entails. No, it’s not because I would have to kill you afterwards. It’s because
I have no clue what the man does. Sometimes he takes phone calls and sometimes
he is “busy” (playing Farmville). He
believes that I will be learning about the family business and acquiring
knowledge of the business world. I can’t say that isn’t true. I very well may
learn a few things, all the while listening to Pandora in the background.
Already, this job seems more satisfying and I haven’t even started yet.
The problem with bussing tables was
that I was looked at and spoken to like I was the leftover Bruschetta that I
would later scrape into the garbage can. I did my best to blend in and not make
myself noticeable to the owners of this fancy little Italian restaurant.
Obviously, I was unsuccessful. It was probably my ill ironed shirt and my
unmistakably lack of enthusiasm that made them zoom in on all my mistakes.
These are just some of the things that these oh-so-kind business owners taught
me during my three month work period as their bitch.
A towel should never be referred to as a “rag.”
Doing so, apparently, makes you seem uneducated and unprivileged. Though, I
will argue that I use TOWELS to dry my body after showering and a RAG to clean
the countertops in my kitchen at home. Do I need to reiterate the fact that I
bused tables? I was not a professional body dryer, in which case, I would use a
Always leave the back of your shirt un-tucked.
This will allow you the pleasure of having a fifty-something year old Italian
woman shoving her hand down the back of your pants to “get that for you”. This
was a real satisfying experience for me. I would recommend that this happen at
every work place. It really gives you a new perspective to the Boss/Worker
When sweeping outdoors, you want to make sure to
include the flower beds. You wouldn’t want to miss out on all the fun dirt
action going on there. Once, I missed doing this. Don’t worry, my boss showed
me how it was done. It appeared that I liked sweeping flower beds so much I was
given the chance to continue doing so off the clock. I swore to myself that I
would make this my new hobby. I am sorry to say that since that magical October
night I have not participated in said activity. That will change tonight. Good
thing it snowed two days ago, this will be fun and rewarding on a whole new
Never ask a customer, “Sir, are you still
working on your dinner or would you like for me to box it for you?” Always say,
“Sir, are you enjoying your meal...” I’m unaware what is supposed to follow
this eloquent first part of the question. I will leave it to your own judgment.
Go with what seems comfortable. I would, however, not end it with, “…or does it
taste like shit?” That just doesn’t seem acceptable to me. Then again, I don’t
own a restaurant. So, give it a whirl and see what happens.
There is plenty more that I learned
during my time as a busser, I just don’t have the interest in sharing about
them any longer. I have found these tidbits to be enough to please myself and
feel as though they won’t matter by tomorrow. When that happens, my point will
be proven. I will forget my time as a busser as bussing will forget me; I pray.
All that I have left to say is directed to my ex-bosses. Taste the Italian
dressing at the salad bar. Oops.
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